A lady has told the story of how she met her husband on Instagram and how they got married within a short timeframeMore interesting was the fact that the man was from Italy, and he flew down to meet her in her countryAlso, the man did not stop there as he decided to convert to Islam, and they had an Islamic weddingA lady on TikTok has posted a video to tell the story of how she met her husband on Instagram. Read More...
Wenyeji wa magari katika jiji la Nairobi na mazingira yake watahitajika kugharamika zaidi hasa kuhusiana na uegeshaji magari.
Serikali ya kaunti ya Nairobi imeongeza ada ya kuegesha magari kutoka KSh 200 hadi KSh 400 baada ya mswada huo kupitishwa katika bunge la kaunti Septemba 15.
Mkurugenzi mkuu wa uegeshaji magari jijini Tom Tinega alisema ada ya uegeshaji magari itagawanyika katika sehemu tatu.
Habari Nyingine: Chuo Kikuu cha Maseno chafungwa kwa muda kufuatia mgomo wa wanafunzi Read More...
The boys are back in town. Sony and Columbia’s “Bad Boys: Ride or Die” got off to a solid start at the box office with $21.6 million from 3,885 locations across Friday and preview screenings. Read More...