1948 Calendar Events 1 - 200 of 456
Jan 1 1st color newsreel filmed (Pasadena, California) Jan 1 After partition, India declines to pay the agreed share of Rs.550 million in cash balances to Pakistan. Bradman Century Against India Jan 1 Australian cricket master batsman Don Bradman scores 132 on first day of 3rd Test v India; follows up with 127no in 2nd innings; Australia wins by 233 Read More...
-Mhubirir wa kanisa la House of Hope mtaani Kayole alitabiri kuwa boma la naibu rais William Ruto lingevamiwa
-Mhubiri huyo alikuwa amewaonya Uhuru na Ruto dhidi ya kusalimia kila mtu mkononi akidai kuwa usalama wao umo hatarini
- Godfrey Migwi alitaka viongozi hao wawili kuwa makini hasa baada ya kifo cha waziri wa usalama ,Joseph Nkaissery
Mhubiri mmoja amedai kuwa alitabiri kuwa boma la naibu rais William Ruto lingevamiwa na watu wasiojulikana kwa nia ya kusababisha maafa. Read More...
Christopher John Farley
August 9, 1999 12:00 AM EDT
This hip-hop duo, like many other hard-core rap groups, writes songs about urban violence, street bravado, felonious gunplay, “baby fathers” and friends slain young. The music beneath Mobb Deep’s lyrics, however, is oddly restful. The contrast between the jagged lyrics and the smooth rhythms that propel them gives the group’s new record a thoughtful quality and a hard-to-resist listenability. One feels immersed and insulated. Read More...