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What It Means if People Say You Have 'Boyfriend Dick'

So what exactly is a boyfriend dick? Well, the most popular entry for "boyfriend dick" on Urban Dictionary (I am indeed using this as legit source) is from July 2016. It reads: "The kind of dick you can ride every night because it fits just right." The sample sentence says: His boyfriend dick makes me feel like Goldilocks. It's juuuuust right.

The second entry for "boyfriend dick" helpfully contrasts it with the brand of penis known as vacation dick : a dick that is far larger than average. It is good to fuck once to take a vacation, but is too big to be an everyday occurrence like boyfriend dick.

We were still curious how real people use the term "boyfriend dick," so we started asking around. Skye Blue , a Playboy and Penthouse model and adult actress, first heard the term while talking to her now ex-boyfriend. We were talking about how much I loved having a 6-inch cock at home as compared to the 9-10 inches I would get on set," she recalls. "He said, Well thank god I have boyfriend dick. I automatically couldnt stop laughing at the term, but it was too true!


Skye says a boyfriend dick is a dick you'd want to have to sex with often. Some people are just naturally bigger, and thats great, but realistically if I fucked a 9-12 inch cock every day Id be super sore all the time, she says. Boyfriend dick is that perfect size where you could fuck for hours. Its big enough to be pleasurable but wont wear you out.

For queer men, boyfriend dick has a slightly more nuanced meaning. Yes, its still the goldilocks of dicksthe one that fits just right. And Kyle, 29, says boyfriend dick also leads to more spur-of-the-moment sex: " As a bottom , spontaneous sex can be harder if your boyfriend has a huge dick.

Mark, 33, spelled it out this way: With boyfriend dick, you dont need to prepare before taking it. You can take it anytime, douched or not .

Robert, 28, was told by his current partner that he has a boyfriend dick; in fact, they told him the first time they ever hooked up. Some people can feel offended about the term, but it's really nothing to be ashamed of," Robert says. "I'd argue that it's a positive thing.

Skye agrees: Being told you have a boyfriend dick is a compliment.


I think the term boyfriend dick is a great way of making people with average size dicks get a term thats not demeaning," she says. "Everyone wants to feel good about themselves, especially in the sack.
